We are Wallingford Presbyterian Church, a place of inspiring worship, diverse fellowship,
caring service and local and worldwide mission.
We are a community where all who seek God are welcome.
As our Mission Statement says, “We recognize we have been transformed, yet are always being transformed
into the likeness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Wherever you are in your response to God’s call, come and join us on the journey.
Wallingford Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
To learn more,
visit Presbyterian Church (USA) www.pcusa.org and
Presbytery of Philadelphia (www.presbyphl.org).

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“With grateful recognition that Jesus Christ is Lord of the church and of our lives, the mission of the people of Wallingford Presbyterian Church is to witness to Christ’s presence and power.
We recognize that we have been transformed, yet are always being transformed
into the likeness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We witness through meaningful worship, Christian nurture, spiritual growth,
caring service, fellowship, music, and mission in the broader community.
In faithful response to God’s call, we remain open to the work of the Holy Spirit
so that we continually are shaped as individuals and as the body of Christ.
We are…God’s growing people serving Christ in a changing world.“