Giving FAQ


Giving FAQ

We are happy to receive your gifts through whatever method is most convenient to you. Giving through an online bank transfer, check, or cash carries the lowest processing fees.
WPC’s Legacy Fund is an endowed fund that will be directed by the ruling Session to the areas of greatest need or opportunity. The fund is an enduring legacy intended to help us pursue our mission and enrich the witness of the church into the future. It gives members and friends the opportunity to share what God has entrusted to their care for the enhancement and development of our ministry and will supplement other resources to enable the church to continue to excel in its mission pursuit. Legacy gifts to WPC can be made in one of three basic ways: - Outright gifts - Bequests (i.e., gifts under Wills & Trusts) - Transfer on Death (TOD) designations (i.e., via beneficiary instructions on accounts) For more information on how to make a gift to the Legacy Fund, please contact Treasurer Andy Yost (
Amazon Smile donates .5% of every dollar you spend on most Amazon products to a designated charity. To designate WPC as your Amazon Smile designated charity, click here. Amazon has stated there is no difference in the prices charged on its Smile website. In addition, Amazon Prime members can use Amazon Smile and the same features of Amazon Prime apply.
Contribution statements are sent several times each year. A year-end contribution statement is sent each January detailing the prior year’s gifts. If you need a contribution statement at any other time, please contact the church office.
The best way to support WPC is by making a contribution to the general offering (an unrestricted gift). This allows us to direct the money where it is needed most.

Your gifts also support mission and ministry outside of the church, including:

Eritrean Refugees and The America Team for Displaced Eritreans
Since 2009, we have sponsored two Eritrean refugee families now living in Upper Darby. We also provide funds to The America Team for Displaced Eritreans founded by WPC member John Stauffer, an organization that works with refugees and those seeking asylum, including those still in refugee camps or in flight. View their site here
We support Cityteam in Chester and San Jose (where former member Charles Knuckles now works). Cityteam provides food services, a homeless shelter, a recovery program and support to mothers and babies. View their site here
Each December, our Mission and Service Committee coordinates ChristMarket, an alternative gift market where members can donate to designated local and overseas charity and receive a card to give to the person for whom the contribution was made.

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Thanks to all who supported WPC's efforts to get an electronic sign. The sign was approved Monday night.