I was born in a small village on the Belgian and French border. As the church is often at the geographic center of European villages so it was at the center of our life as a family.
After immigrating to the U.S. I developed a healthy appreciation for liberal thinking, the need for spiritual expression and an acceptance of religion as a vehicle to Grace, wholeness, and peace.
Technically my first language was French, but as I remember, it was music. Nietzsche, once said, “Without music, life would be a mistake… I would only believe in a God who knew how to dance.” I’ve been dancing with God ever since because first and foremost the call to follow Jesus is an invitation to a life of passion and joy.
Service in the United States Navy Chaplain Corp gave me an opportunity to practice ministry in an ecumenical setting. Later I served with congregations in Geneseo, NY and in San Antonio, TX, giving me an appreciation for the inquisitiveness of young minds and for the richness found in multicultural settings.
Over the years I have had the privilege of serving God’s people in many different settings. I have ministered to patients with AIDS and walked with sojourners lost in a maze of circumstances. I have rejoiced with the newly baptized and shared the Lord’s Table with people from every walk of life.
I have been married to Cyndi Lacroix for over 30 years. Together we have four grown children and numerous grandchildren who remind us that Jesus said we must be child-like in order to understand what God’s Good News is all about.
I may be reached by phone (610-566-1644) or email (pastorfrancois@wallingfordpres.org).