Special Services

Services and Concerts

More About Our Services And Concerts

WPC hosts services of healing and wholeness, especially during Advent and Lent.

The Taizé style of worship originated from a community of believers in France founded by Brother Roger on Easter 1949. Taizé services with prayer and contemplative music are celebrated throughout the year.

The Labyrinth Walk is a meditation to center the spirit by walking a single circuitous path to the center, then returning the same way. The labyrinth is in full view, allowing individuals to focus internally, and the experience has been described as prayer, meditation, an encounter with themselves, a meeting with the Spirit, a God moment.

WPC also hosts choral concerts, a coffee house/open mic afternoon, recitals featuring WPC members and friends and an
annual Messiah Sing.

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Thanks to all who supported WPC's efforts to get an electronic sign. The sign was approved Monday night.