Seasonal Happenings

Seasonal Happenings

Seasonal Happenings

WPC is a busy place! The building is in use day and night, weekdays and weekends.

Here’s a glimpse of our special events for the next few weeks.



Roger Demos Preaching

10 a.m., Sunday, September 29
Roger, a member of WPC and Commissioned Lay Pastor (CLP) in the PC(USA), will be in the pulpit
Scripture – Genesis 1:6-12; John 4:4-13 and 7:37-38 



Breakfast Club

10 a.m., Sunday, September 29
Students grades 6-12 – join for breakfast, discussion and fellowship
Meets LAST Sunday of the month
Click here for more info

Youth Group Urban Air

4:30 p.m., Sunday, September 29
Meet at Urban Air Adventure Park (1260 East Woodland Avenue, Springfield)
Open to youth grades 6-12
Click here to register; here for the fall YG schedule


Wednesday, October 2

9 a.m., Wednesday, October 2
It’s not too late to join the walkers
Developed by the Arthritis Foundation for people 60+ to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life and improve overall health
Held at WPC
Continues Oct 9, 16 and 23
Click here for more info; here to register

Fall Prevention

Begins 9:30 a.m., Thursday, October 3
Concerned about falling?
A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels
Held at Brookhaven Municipal Building (2 Cambridge Road)
Click here for more info and to register


Sprouts Cookie Bake

6 p.m., Friday, October 4
Kids – bake and decorate cookies! Take some home and save the rest to sell at Coffee Hour on Sunday to benefit the Giving Tree (Christmas gifts for children at Chester Eastside and City Team)
Click here for the 2024-2025 Sprouts schedule


Annual Giving Campaign

Hopefully you have received our 2025 Annual Giving Campaign letter and pledge card
Pledges represent approximately two-thirds of our annual budget and provide the confidence we will continue to be the exciting, growing church we have become thanks to everyone’s helping hand
Register your pledge using the pledge card, Church Center app or click here





Fall Shredding and Drug Take Back Event

9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, October 5
Safely dispose of documents containing personal information and unneeded medications
Held at Northley Middle School (2801 Concord Rd, Aston)
Click here for more info




World Communion Sunday

10 a.m., Sunday, October 6
Celebrate our oneness in Christ with our siblings throughout the world




Cookies for a Cause

11 a.m., Sunday, October 6
Cookies baked by the Sprouts will be available for purchase during Coffee Hour
Proceeds benefit the Giving Tree (Christmas gifts for children at Chester Eastside and City Team)



Kids Café

11 a.m., Sunday, October 6
Kids – meet Pastor Taylor and Miss Lee in the choir room for songs, games and refreshments
Please bring an offering to benefit Giving Tree (Christmas gifts for children at Chester Eastside and City Team)


Monthly Conversations

11:30 a.m., Sunday, October 6
Join the discussion “From Iona to Edinburgh – what it means to be Reformed”
Led by Pastor François and illustrated with photos from his sabbatical


Seventh Annual Socktober

Begins Sunday, October 6
New, wrapped (original packaging) men’s, women’s and children’s socks
Look for Sock Drive containers in the Narthex and near the main office
Adult socks benefit Savage Sisters;  kids’ socks benefit Chester Eastside 
Continues through Sunday, October 27




Prime Time

noon, Tuesday, October 8
WPC member John Stauffer, of The America Team for Displaced Eritreans, will provide an update on the situation of refugees from Eritrea and the way the team is helping them
noon – lunch
12:30 p.m. – program




7 p.m., Tuesday, October 9
Join for refreshments and a lesson led by Karen
Click here for the September lesson on the Beatitudes



Pulpit Swap

10:30 a.m., Sunday, October 13
Pastor Taylor will preach at Paoli Pres, where her husband, Pastor Doug, serves as head of staff



Register to Vote for November 5 Election

Deadline – Monday, October 21
Most of us are registered, but did you know less than 35 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds are registered to vote in Pennsylvania? 
If you are in that age bracket, or have children or grandchildren of that age, remind them to register online, in-person or by mail (must be received by Oct 21)
Click here for more info



Building Independence

Weekends through Sunday, October 27
WPC member Doug Thomas will portray Patrick Henry and John Dickinson as part of Building Independence, scenes exploring the First Continental Congress through the lens of delegates, their families and everyday folk of the period
Presented at Carpenters’ Hall (320 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia)
Click here for more information



Broad Street Love

Broad Street Love, formerly Broad Street Ministries, is one of the many missions supported by WPC. The following is an excerpt from a thank you letter we recently received:
“Thank you for being a part of the Broad Street Love family. Your support sends a powerful message of love and hope to our guests and staff. Whether through prayers, financial contributions, in kind gifts, or volunteer hours, your actions boldly declare that love, community, and Radical Hospitality should be accessible to everyone regardless of their circumstances. Thank you for investing in and being part of this community that recognizes and values every individual’s full personhood, giftedness, and worth.” 



In Case You Missed It

If you were unable to attend a presentation, use these links to download the information distributed:
Advocating for Yourself in the Healthcare Arena
Banned Books



Sunday, October 27
3-4 p.m.


Bring the Kids

The upper parking lot will be filled with cars/trucks/SUVs decked out for Halloween with treats galore




Host a Trunk

Sign up to include your trunk and treats (prizes for best decorated!)
Church lot opens at 2 p.m. for set up
To register:
Church Center app
Click here
Call the church office



Donate Treats

Leave wrapped candy, non-sugary snacks (fruit roll-ups, gummies, raisins, popcorn), stickers or other non-edible treats in the tubs in the narthex/Fellowship Hall





Rise Against Hunger 

1 p.m., Sunday, November 3
Gather in Fellowship Hall to assemble and package 10,000 meals to be sent to a needy place somewhere around the world
Watch for details 
Sponsored by WPC’s Mission and Service Committee






Zoo on Wheels

11:15 a.m., Sunday, October 20
Kids – invite your friends to Sunday School and to stay for the Elmwood Park “Zoo on Wheels”
Target age group two-five (older children are welcome to attend)
Limit 30 children


Sunday School Offering

Fish banks will be in each Sunday School room for children to bring an offering
For the fall, the money will benefit Giving Tree/Angel Tree (Christmas support for Chester Eastside and City Team/local families and children of incarcerated parents)






A chance for students to grow in their faith, explore what it means to be a Christian and have the opportunity to join WPC
Lessons will be held monthly October-May, typically over a meal after church
Open to all high school students
Click here for more info and to register


Fill the Red Wagon

WPC supports Chester Eastside, LifeWerks and Media Food Bank

LifeWerks is requesting:
  • Cereal (kids’ and whole grain adult)
  • Soups (condensed, chunky, vegetarian, broth)
  • Crackers (Ritz, Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Nut Thins, graham)
  • Canned vegetables, stewed tomatoes, tomato paste
  • Condiments (ketchup, mustard, BBQ sauce)
  • Salad dressing (all varieties)
  • Paper goods (tissues, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins)
  • Household cleaning products (multi-purpose spray/disinfectant, laundry detergent, dish soap, sponges/wipes)
  • Skin care products (body lotion, hand cream, Chapstick/lip gloss)
  • Feminine hygiene products (tampons, mini-pads, maxi-pads, overnight)
  • Bladder control products (medium, heavy-long pads)





YouTube Worship Service

The live worship service in our sanctuary is video recorded and available on our YouTube channel, Facebook page and website later in the week for those unable to attend in person.


Staff and Office Hours

The staff has in-person office hours in an effort to meet everyone’s needs.
Appointments preferred when possible. 
  • Pastor François

    • Tues.     11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

    • Wed.           10 a.m.-2 p.m.

  • Pastor Taylor

    • Mon.      11 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

    • Thurs.         10 a.m.-1 p.m.

  • Main Office

    • Mon. – Fri.   9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Feel free to call the church office (610-566-1644) or email staff members at other times



PC(USA) Info

Use these links for information about our denomination and its agencies.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Mission


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