

Worship With Us

10 a.m. – Worship and Sunday School
(Nursery/childcare provided)

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This Week’s Service
View the upcoming week’s service.

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Live Sermons
Unable to visit Wallingford? View Our Live Streamed Service Here.

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Recent Sermons
Search an archive of our most recent sermons.

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Kids and Youth in Worship
We provide many opportunities for
kids and youth to get involved in worship.

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Pastor François joyfully reminds us
we are a “singing” congregation, for it
is through music that we often express ourselves.

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Special Services
Special worship services, concerts, and other musical offerings are held throughout the year.

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Recent Sermons
Search an archive of our most recent sermons.

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Thanks to all who supported WPC's efforts to get an electronic sign. The sign was approved Monday night.